Monday, December 21, 2009

A Merry Christmas Update

I haven't been the active blogger I aspired to be when signing into the blog world but I wanted to update the fanbase :) ...I have been very busy!

Today, I am thinking about Christmas and how wonderful the world looks this time of year. I love the many messages of this season. Peace, joy, merriment, love, happiness, giving, salvation, new birth etc. Such a blessing, really, to live where we do and have this season.

The past weeks have been so busy but here is a highlight:

For Jon's birthday we went to see In the Height downtown and it was awesome. This show has many character developments that make the story great but the message of community is so inviting. The music was awesome and everyone commented on my new motivation to rap after the show :) I highly recommend watching!
Here we are after the show. Jon, Jen, Me, Maddie

Jon has now moved on in life as a college graduate!

The dynamics have changed in our office since the students have left for break. I can honestly say I miss having them around. Working for a University has been great because you tend to surround yourself with fantastic people. It's encouraging.

My team had a great Christmas party together the Monday before break; here are some snapshots from our night:

Mike, Stephanie, Matt, Ben

Ashli Hanna has returned to the USA!!!! After her 11 month mission trip, she has returned and visited Olivet in last two weeks. It was great to catch up and see her after so long. We went ice skating in Chicago and shared a couple meals together; it was a lot of fun!

Hanna, Me, Alysha

Merry Christmas!!!!! Happy New Year!

Monday, December 7, 2009

My forward trajectory in thought

I had a great conversation with a friend who was very zealous about her personal relationship with God.

I crave that and remember a time in my life when I was just as zealous publicly but now I feel I have let some apathy sneak in between. It's fine, God still loves me. God still loves people. I refuse to remain.

The verse Joshua 24:15 came to mind. "Then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve." "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."

Thus my forward trajectory and praise is...

I will serve the Lord.

Not sure how that will look but I am excited, truly ready. Partnering with God is a journey. I find peace when I do; as well as many things. Today is peace and excitement.

"But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the one who lifts my head high." Psalm 3:3.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Jobseekers; future and present...some food for thought

A word to my students...

The job market has taken a downward stroll in this rebounding economy and as unemployment reaches 10.2% of the American population there is something we are missing; taking responsibility and being a qualified person. I found it interesting while reading a CNN article titled "Great job openings, no candidates" which claims that the problem isn’t the fact that there are no candidates to fill these jobs but the problem is there are no qualified candidates. In my opinion; now is the time to plan, dream and work toward the professional goals that God has gifted and make a difference in this world.

“…The Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollo’s watered it, but God has been making it grow…For we are God’s co-workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:5


Mack Douglas said it best when he said: “Dedicate your life to a cause greater than yourself, and your life will become a glorious romance and adventure.” This is the perfect opportunity to study Gods word and study the world we live in to become better skilled professionally and fill these great jobs. According to CNN these are the “50 Best Jobs in America." See if any of these strikes a heart string and move forward with a trajectory of success!


Albert Einstein said: “Your imagination is the preview to life’s coming attractions.” If you don’t’ dream, how will your dreams come true? One of my favorite aspects of University life is it’s a time of dreaming and making decisions that will impact a person’s character and trajectory in their future. Olivet’s mission of an “Education with a Christian Purpose” seeks not only to educate your mind but your heart.


In the CNN article above, it is cited that there are job openings but not enough candidates with experience. When you grasp your personal and personally goal, the next step is to enter in that field for experience! Internships are great opportunities for students to use to gain experience and networks. Start educating yourself about companies and internships they host. For those that are out of college and wish to become qualified this may mean starting from the ground and working up, moving forward. May not be ideal but I have heard it said that good things happen to those that wait.

I want to leave you with an encouraging word that I have been sharing with my student that has a great message. Solomon writes:

“I know there is nothing better for people than to be happy and do good while they live. That they may eat, drink and find satisfaction in all that they do—this is a gift from God. “Ecclesiastes 3:9

It’s important that your mind does not get clouded by temporal, worldly visions when seeking a satisfied life; you may use those in your journey but they are not the satisfying gift of God’s grace and salvation.

Tell me, does anyone have any dreams or need to start dreaming? Share them! I would love to hear your feedback.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My TV guide

Guilty as charged, I enjoy watching TV. To some critics, I may watch too much TV but in comparison to the average (6 hours a day per household); I am a copasetic (pardon my slang)!

Nonetheless, I am always embarrassed to list the shows that I enjoy watching because I use my fingers to count those shows and the embarrassing part is when it requires both of my hands to name them all. In my justification I have reasoned that there are two people in this TV land: People who watch TV and People who don't; poetic right?

I enjoy talking about the lastest topic on Brothers & Sisters or lavish over what Jack Bauer did in the latest episode of 24. My TV guide is very diverse with drama, action, romance, comedy and suspence. I understand completely that these shows are fiction and have nothing to do with my behavior; I guess the problem is when it affects my behavior. Speaking of affecting my behavior, I am sure my most annoying days are Thursday-Friday when I can't stop singing the latest Glee song!

I guess my question for reflection is should what we watch on TV be a reflection on a persons character? Why and Why not?

Now for what you have all been waiting for and in no particular order:

This Season:

1. Glee
2. Office
3. 30 Rock
4. Hardball with Chris Matthews
5. Brothers & Sisters
6. The Big Bang Theory
7. The Daily Show
8. The Colbert Report
9. Heroes

Next Season:
1. 24

1. Friends
2. Soon to be Glee :)

Soon to be watching Glee 9/8c,