Monday, October 26, 2009

Unshunning Higher Grounds. For now :)

I will be the first to admit that since the departure of Moon Monkey, I have had no interest in the newly established Higher Grounds. Its atmosphere, coffee and whole ethos changed completely as Sodexho food service started managing the establishment.

Today my student worker, Mike Wiencek, was hungry and we decided to check out Higher Grounds based on a rumor that students could use their meal pass; which is not true :). They can use their tiger dollars!

To my surprise, Higher Grounds had a Cereal Buffet which made me very happy. For $1.76 you can grab a bowl of cereal for a snack. It was a great place for us to go to grab something quick. Kudos to you, Higher Grounds!

Higher Grounds, consider yourself unshunned for the time being. I would love to see improvements in coffee and customer base. Baby steps :)

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